Deliciously fresh butter made from the finest cream, delivering a natural full flavour and a light yellow color....
Deliciously fresh butter made from the finest cream. It has a low salt content to prevent over-seasoning. Used as...
This tourage butter is produced from selected dairy ingredient that gives to the product a high and constant...
Pure unsalted butter with soft and smooth texture. Suitable for bread filling, cooking and baking.
Storage: Chiller
Pure slightly salted butter with soft and smooth texture. Suitable for bread filling, cooking and baking.Storage: Chiller
Unsalted Cream Butter consistently delivers the superior flavour and mouthfeel needed in many applications such as baked goods...
Plaia Plus Puff Pastry is a vegetable pastry margarine sheet that is suitable for professional use such as...
Sunshine Dairy Cream Butter is made with high-quality fresh cream using world-leading butter making technology. It also serves...
Pure slightly salty butter with soft and smooth texture convenient to spread on bread or use as filling...
Pure unsalted butter with soft and smooth texture convenient to spread on bread or use as filling. Storage:...
All natural ingredients. Has aromatic and pure taste. It is delicious on all sorts of bread.
Storage: Freezer
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