This unsalted pasteurizes butter is a water in milk fat emulsion. It is made by a physical process...
Deliciously fresh butter made from the finest cream, delivering a natural full flavour and a light yellow color....
Deliciously fresh butter made from the finest cream. It has a low salt content to prevent over-seasoning. Used as...
Pure unsalted butter with soft and smooth texture. Suitable for bread filling, cooking and baking.
Storage: Chiller
Pure slightly salted butter with soft and smooth texture. Suitable for bread filling, cooking and baking.Storage: Chiller
Unsalted Cream Butter consistently delivers the superior flavour and mouthfeel needed in many applications such as baked goods...
Plaia Plus Puff Pastry is a vegetable pastry margarine sheet that is suitable for professional use such as...
Sunshine Dairy Cream Butter is made with high-quality fresh cream using world-leading butter making technology. It also serves...
Pure unsalted butter with soft and smooth texture convenient to spread on bread or use as filling. Storage:...
All natural ingredients. Has aromatic and pure taste. It is delicious on all sorts of bread.
Storage: Freezer
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